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Women Tour Guide Training Program

In this project, we introduce an innovative tour guide training initiative meticulously crafted for women to elevate the tourism sector. Through tailored experiences and thrilling expeditions, our primary goal is to empower women, nurturing confidence, fostering camaraderie, and igniting a deep passion for exploration within safe and supportive environments. With the skills finely honed through our program, female participants will emerge equipped to lead unforgettable tours, leaving a lasting impact on travelers and contributing significantly to the growth and sustainability of the industry.

Our project is dedicated to empowering women through immersive training in the tourism sector. The program spans 7 days and is specifically designed for a group of 100 female candidates. This initiative aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to establish their own travel businesses. Through a carefully crafted blend of classroom instruction and hands-on training, we prepare aspiring female tour guides for success in the dynamic world of tourism.